Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Bloggers Block

*Phoo* Sorry, just had to blow the dust off of my keyboard...
Just wanted to drop in on my desolite blog to let everyone know that I am still the operator and blogger-in-cheif of this site. However, my creative inspirations seemed to have withdrawn from my cerebral cortex. In essence, leaving me, less than enthusiastic to resume blogging.

Sometimes, there are so many things you want to write about, but just can't. So my mind has become subject to those topics and until I've found a way to diffuse them, I will reluctantly remain silent on my site.
I know the itch will slowly creep up on me and I will once again, find myself aching to enlighten you and myself with my latest mind sparks.

Feel free to leave me comments with what YOU would like to see me write about. Remember, I'm a model, I need to be TOLD what to do!
The gauntlet has been thrown down, it is now up to you...
What would make {In}Conspicuous Construction an addiction for you
(and me)
Besides posting naked pictures of myself or deleting this blog all together?
It's like the cool fantasy books where you can choose your own ending, remember those?

so, I'm listening


At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you care about?

You could write about your daily life.

You could write about what's it's like to be a mom and a model.

You could write about your kids.

Nobody can really tell you what to write about.

I blog because it's part of my fiction AND it gives me a wider audience I can rant to when something in the paper pisses me off (which is all the time).

That's my reason.

Only you can decide yours.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Addy said...

Thanks for your comment Elliot. But in my disclaimer, I reserve the right to NOT want to talk about my daily life, (ie kids husband, dishes, laundry), in light of the fact that it might depress me more. :)
I also inquired in the fact that the general viewing public and insane web visitors (hee hee) cannot otherwise view me as a shrew for feeling this way. I started this blog as somewhat of an escape from mommyhood. Thats who I am, and I'm proud of it, I just want something else to talk about is all.
Plus I'm weiry of sexual predators that I'd then have to hunt down and exterminate...AND I WOULD.

So, How 'bout them Packers eh?

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Addy said...

Yes, I'm still here Paul.
Aaron finally feels at ease now that I've lost my "competitive edge". I'm not gonna' sell out and talk about some lame ass politics just to get a rise out of a couple of uptight, boring, blog-snob conservatives! :)

OOPS I did it again!

At 2:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see more articles on Helping Others, especially the Downtrodden.

I also like articles on food eaten by Pre-Christian Cultures.

Perhaps articles on getting along with your dog and cat.

At 2:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, there is what I would like to see, and then there is what draws in the rubes to gawk at your stuff.

If you want traffic, well, try semi-naked women alternated with semi-naked men. Call it the meat wagon.

At 10:30 PM, Blogger Addy said...

Great ideas guys...I'll get right to work on that!

At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will think of something. You have talent for the written word. Perhaps you just need to get-away for a weekend or something to clear your mind of daily routine :)

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Addy said...

You are correct my anonymous friend. A weekend away can help to realign the creative motherboard. In fact, I AM getting away this weekend,
(funny you should mention that) I'm modeling in the midwests largest beauty show in I'll have something to talk about when I get home!


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