I've just taken my last trip over to Subject 2 Change. It appears my comments are not welcome in Aarons narrow sighted world. Sure, I still love him to death, but we can agree to disagree that he's become a blog snob. It's like high school again. And I never chose sides, I peacefully co-exhisted with nerds, jocks, gang bangers, hootchies, potheads and virgins.
Aaron has become the stereotypical story of, "I was a nerdy freshman, but now I'm a cool junior" set to blogger standards.
Don't get me wrong, he's still my friend outside of this place. His wit and humor is enlightening to me. He's always welcome in my home and in my life, but until I'm allowed to speak my mind openly in his fixed forum arena (whether the comments are slightly irrelevant or not) I will not give him any more publicity or traffic. And I know he's used to seeing my name on his stat counter at least 10-12 times a day!
The last thing I will, however, mention about him, is for his most recent
post where you will notice a large Storm Trooper's Head, and it's pink none-the-less, that sticks out on his blog like a sore thumb.

I was curious, so I clicked on the link Aaron provided that was supposed to explain why he'd elected to post a pink storm trooper so proudly on his site. I understand the nerd factor, hell, that's me too, but why now?
The link took me to none-other-than, The Spotted Horse 2. A well known and well followed blog, and was also Aaron's last guest on his podcast show.
*A little side note about that podcast just for the record: This time, Jenna interacted, asked good questions, did not sound as though she was hacking up a hairball into the mic, and wasn't nearly as breathy as she had been in past podcasts. It seems constructive critism has won the day again!
Anyhoo, back to the Spotted Horse 2.
Chris' explaination of the Storm Trooper dealt with the fact of letting "outsiders" know what they're all about. Chris wanted:
"outstate Repubicans (to) see what its like to be a
SouthEast Wisconsin Conservative Stormtrooper"
He then went on to say,
"First you must understand who we
brain dead storm trooper are ruled by"
Where as Chris had a pic of Darth Vader displayed and he further explained,
"We soldiers of the empire call him Lord Vader
you outstate republicans can call him Charlie Sykes"
Then I started to get a little nervous. I know it was somewhat of a joke to combat against some other republican idiots that were bashing our WI GOP supporters fair ways of life...but comparing Sykes to Vader? Do you think that will help good ol' Charlie's career?
In an attempt to unify Wisconsin rightie's that are so far right on the map, they're really Rhode Island, Chris urged all those in agreeance with him to support the cause,
"If you are a SE Wisconsin Conservative Stormtrooper
put this Helmet on your sidebar as a flag to our outstate friends."
So thats where Aaron's inspiration came from to post the Storm Trooper on his blog.
While I can't say that I'm a SE Wisconsin Conservative Stormtrooper, I do encourage the act of showing other states that we unify together to show support of our fellow statesmen, even if we do not share that same ideals.
So with that said, I'd like to introduce you to my new representative, "Ja-Hut".
That's what he goes by these days. Ya' know, Like Ja' Rule

Certainly not a good guy, because there are no good guys in politics, but also not as bad as Vader. I look at it this way, if I follow Jabba, I'll get to keep my left hand, or shall we say "wing" and the slave outfit isn't so bad either. Carrie sure can't wear it any more after
Episode III. You know how I have a thing for those mafia types anyway.
As for Aaron, I can get
all of the updates on his blog when his girlfriend calls me to bitch about him! Its a win-win situation! Taking his place on my sidebar until a peaceful resolution can be created between Aaron and me, is a very fitting stand-in. One of which will remain on my sidebar for a long time to come. Let's give it up for...
WHAT LIBERAL BIAS? Welcome to my blog!
Non-violent protest on fellow bloggers. Thats why this thing was created right?
Love ya' Aaron! I hope to hear from you soon!
I miss the Bickersons.
We reap what we sow...Aaron is a nerd... SOW, I politely withdrew from his limelight!
I still dig him, don't get me wrong, but I know he's stubborn and will dig his heels in on this for as long as he can.
Hopefully, he'll still come to my daughters birthday party on Sunday!
Sorry to hear about all this. Darn it I had to bookmark you because youre not on his list anymore. I will still keep visiting you. :)
I just saw Aaron last night...I guess everything is as good as it always (?) has been between us. This whole blog thing was more just a battle of wills!
I'm glad you'll keep visiting though, you're always welcome! I'm sure I'll have him on my sidebar again, and I'll be on his...maybe
Aaron just wasn't picked on enough in High School.
Oh, I'm sure Aaron was picked on more than he would've liked, just like we all were Ted!
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