Where Do I Stand On the Political Spectrum?
In an effort to keep it short and sweet for my readers, as Aaron and Belle have suggested in thier co-parented post, I'm going to state my opinions and leave them open for discussion.
I'm in favor of the smoking ban
Her child has SO much to look forward to.
And I support same sex marriage
...and apparently polygamy???
The way I see it, I'd rather dine in a restaurant and sit next to a gay couple bikering over flannel shirts or paprika, versus inhaling the stench of ciggarettes, thus ruining my flavorful french dip.
Now gays that want to be married AND smoke in public...thats a different story
OH! And heres the COLOR Aaron suggested all bloggers incorporate into each post to infuse interest upon their readers

Hows that?
Not bad. Wrong on the smoking issue. But, not bad.
I know where you stand on the taxing issue Aaron. But it's a pay me now, pay me later kind of mentality. We may pay (and I use the word, may, very lightly)more in taxes, but if that will sustain me and my family from suffering illnesses due to other peoples addictions, it's a fair trade. I still feel that smoking should be allowed in bars and night clubs, but thats more difficult to defend than just banning smoking all together. I've never liked smoking. People have the right to do it, and kill themselves, the only problem is, they're endangering MY health in the process. And I don't stick up for my own either. Kevin KNOWS (as well as YOU do) how I feel about smoking, and I told him many a time, that I will NOT be the one to donate a lung when he's laid up in the hospital with cancer! Cruel, but just.
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