Thursday, September 15, 2005

Blogging Rights

I promised myself that I wouldn't have one of those "MOMMY BLOGS" where all I discuss is the size, color, and odor of Diaper Deposits as I call them.
Not that there's anything wrong with mommy blogs, I actually enjoy reading them myself, it's just that my blog was supposed to be a break from mommyhood for me.
My own little vacation if you will.
Well we all know that vacation is only vacation if you have a job to go back to afterwards, otherwise you're not on a vacation, you're just hopelessly unemployed. If I spent all my avaliable blog time talking about my critters, I'm sure I'd be voted right off of this site - Survivor style.
But to be fair, I thought I should introduce the reasoning behind my blog, and why it was named Vinny's Mom's A MILF.
The little man in the pool is Mr. Vinny.
He is one of the neatest human beings I've ever encountered, and that's not just because he's mine either.

And above him is Miss Madison. She's a little chunk-o just like Vinny was at that age. But she's so much more interactive than Vinny was.

My dad says it's "because she's a female, of course she's going to talk sooner and see everything, thats what women do."
Thanks dad.
So these are my reasons for being.

The reasons I wake up in the morning when I don't want to.
The reasons I'm thinking about the wellness of my life 20 years from now.
The reasons I no longer fit into my size 4's.
And the reasons I'm on the birth control patch.
They entirely control my life and my heart, and I wouldn't have it any other way!


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