Beach Volleyball 2006
Tonights the night! Our team will once again, take to the sand and ruthlessly compete against various other teams of sextuplet-lumberjack-lesbians, powder puff, booty short clad blondes, and the "others", who have no athletic ability whatsoever, but engage in this sport for sheer recreation and for free beer and pizza.
"What is this sport you speak of Addy?"
In case you missed the self explainatory title of this post, I'm talking about none-other-than, beach volleyball. You may have read some of my past ramblings about our volleyball team, and how we struggled to find a rhythem within the team. Well there are two differences between then and now.
Difference Number 1: When we played in October, that was indoor court volleyball, my personal favorite...and it is also more organized and competitive.
Difference number 2: It seems that people are in better spirits motivationally, when it comes to beach volleyball. I know I am. It could be that I'm just more competitive indoors, and I wig out easier when we're getting our asses handed to us. Outdoors, you're enjoying the weather, and (at least the league we're in) most people aren't out for blood.
Though beach volleyball begins (here) in May....and May in Wisconsin can be tricky. Some pansies come ready to play in snow pants, boots, and hoodies. I say pish posh to that shit. Most times, I'll be there barefoot, in spandex and my t shirt...thats the only way to play.
Unless you go with true beach volleyball attire and dress to impress, like Olympic Gold Medalists, Kerri Walsh and Misty May. Straight bikinis baby! Yeah, not our team. We're much too self aware for that craziness.
Below: That would be me, looking very star struck (and fat) next to the 6'3" beach beauty and World Volleyball Champ, Kerri Walsh, at the AVP championships last September in Chi town.
Maybe I should give her a call and see if she can sub for us??? She said she would! ;) She also probably thought I was talking about the "special olympics"!

Anyhoo, our Team name is, "Serves You Right" and I'm going to post weekly updates on our progress, triumphs and deafeats alike. Hopefully, this season, there will be more triumphs than defeats.
Later bloggers. I gotta go stretch.
Very sandily yours,
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