Friday, June 02, 2006

Yeah! New Sidebar Additions!

After my recent post about the progress of our well developing volleyball team, two (or 3 actually) other bloggers made contact and I was floored that they actually had something to do with volleyball themselves!

April dropped in and wished us well, and she also noted we were the Misty May and Kerry Walsh of the volleyball modeling world. April just started her own personal blog, which is delightfully entitled VOLLEYBALL VOICES. Her other blog, "April's Beach Volleyball Blog" is well established and is worth checking out. So I wish her well and I am expecting some amazing reading material on the passion we both share.

Then, like theives in the night, Jack and Dave stopped by with some additional praise for Team Serves You Right, and left me wondering who these "Volley gents" were. I checked out their site, and was very impressed , and a little envious. Jack and Dave travel around the country, following and covering the AVP in style. Their Head Blade Adorned RV looks like a metallic twinkie, and gets plenty of attention from AVP fans and media alike. Maybe they'll take a side trip to Milwaukee when the AVP hits Chi Town again.

I've been waiting for some great volleyblogs to come along. Frankly, I've grown tired of the political shit everywhere I turn. So I'm gonna add April's Site and Jack and Daves site to my sidebar so I can live vicariously through them!
I'm glad they dropped by and I look forward to hearing more from them in the future!


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