Kohl's Fashion Show Update
We completed our second and final fashion show for Kohl's this past Friday. It really was a lot of fun working with them. What was even more fun, was that ALL of the models in the show were from MTM (our agency) so we were like one big, happy family. AWWE, how sweet.
This was a "back to school" fashion show,and KOHL'S was the client, so don't complain when you don't see half naked women. We had a lot of "half pint" models and I must say, they steal the show from us "aging" models. You also might be thinking right now,
"Addy, what the hell are you doing in a back to school fashion show...you're pushing 30!"
Well, some people thought I looked 19 and that I fit in with the college folk. Hey, without the kids and the wedding ring...I can pull off being 19. I just take away all reason and maturity, simple. There were a few other oldies in the show with me so I didn't feel so bad. Thank you George and Brandon!
So here's some of the pics I promised. They're not amazing because I snapped some when I could (while I had 30 seconds in between runs). I also recruited the dad of one of our models to take some pics of us on stage, and he admitted to not being able to use my camera so well. What can I say, technology.

One of the runs, we had to wear T-shirts that described the kind of denim we were modeling. I got stuck with the Skinny Jean. You know, the one's I told you I wouldn't be caught dead wearing on the street again. Yeah, horrible. That, and the shirts were made to fit the guys, so they had to "cinch" them on all of us. The goof in the red is Laura. It doesn't look like it here, but she has been considered for Elite modeling in New York.
Some of our "half pints" passing the time by playing "hand clappy" games- Or whatever the hell they're called.
As the lights go down and the music begins, I was able to snap a quick photo of the jumbo-tron from back stage. Impressive huh?
Pay no attention to the glowing saftey devices in the background. Those were there so we didn't crash into them as we're haulin' ass from stage right to stage left, to enter/exit the runway and change into our next outfits.
Saftey first--right Kim?!!
Laura opened the show for our combined audience of 700 Kohl's corporate schnooldes.
Here's a great ass shot of yours truly in my "rocker 'chic" dubbed designs. I haven't worn flats or leggings since the 6th grade. ST Martini Baby!
(God, I'm slouching too! How embarrassing)
Our guys work the runway well. God Bless the Muscle Shirt!
Stripes Are Hype 'Yo. I felt like the Pillsbury doughboy in that big white hat. Mellisa plays to the excited crowd while George looks like a hotter version of Freedy Krueger in his get-up.
Here was our entire group after a weeks worth of hard work. Of course, we're all smiling because we just got paid on the spot...and Kohl's upped our rates because they were so pleased. The shows were a succes, Kohl's couldn't have been happier, and MTM has 25 models to be very proud of!
I tried sending an email - but unfortunately was unsuccessful at doing so. I am just looking for some advice that you may be able to offer me. I have a 5 year old son, who I have been told by many people that I should at least look into getting him into modeling-I have interest in looking into what Kohl's may have to offer, and was wondering if you might be able to tell me where to begin my search. Please let me know, and I thank you for any help you might be able to offer.
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