How does this work again?
It's been so long since I've posted anything, I've almost forgotten how!
It's been busy as of late, in the world that is Addy.
No fears. I have lots of fun things to write about in the hopes that I can reel in some unsuspecting, desperate fish, with my propaganda and biased troll statements!
I'm laughing right now, in case you can't feel my sentiment ;)
I have to run in a minute though. The last big rehearsal is tonight, before the much anticipated Kohls fashion show tomorrow morning. Yes, I'll be snapping pictures in between runs when I can, so you'll be sure to have visuals to go with the absurd descriptions of the fashions we'll be modeling.
A little heads up ladies: The SKINNY JEAN is coming back in a big way for fall. I won't be wearing them, as they now fall into the catagory of "MOM JEANS" for someone like me.
The SKINNY JEAN is that pair of jeans that is fitted ALL the way down your leg, and then tapers IN at your ankle. Most people are lucky to get their feet through the opening, moreless squeeze into the rest of the pant.
I'm fine with my low rise, hip hugging, flares, thank you. I might be out of style, but at least my body will look proportioned.
Another big fashion trend that has been creeping it's way back into our closets, is anything from the 80's. I shit you not, one of the outfits I'm modeling, looks exactly like something Cindy Lauper wore in her "Girls Just Wanna' Have Fun" video back in '85.
Embarrassing to say the least...but extremely fun, just the way Cindy would want it. So if you haven't inventoried your wardrobe in the past 20 years, don't do it now, becuse your dusty, crusty, leggings are back in style!!!!
I'll be back to fill everyone in on the runway show after we've completed both shows this week.
I also have Volleyball updates, and a few other interesting tid bits to share, when I get a spare moment to spill my thoughts onto the web!
For now, I'm outtie. I gotta plug in my FLOCK OF SEAGULLS 8 track, so I can get in the right mindset for the fashion show!
are they bringing back the long studded belts that you would wrap around your waist and thight?
I have FOS in a compilation CD if your interested there are like 5 of them all 80's :)
YES-to the long studded belts
NO-to the FOS compilation...I was really more fond of their hair anyway! :}
I'll have pics up here soon!
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