Tuesday, November 29, 2005

"Love Molecule" only lasts for one year- big shocker

So I've republished this post, minus the side comments about individuals from my past that have proven to be offensive to some. I just couldn't bring myself to delete the entire post though. Not that it's good writing, or even that interesting, it's just the comment about the Puerto Rican pool boys always makes me giggle
Read on my friends.
Remember when you first met that special someone?
You couldn't concentrate on anything else but their smile. You longed to hear their voice even if you just got off the phone with them after a two hour conversation about-nothing.
You thought and thought about how great the sex would be with them, only comming to find out how right you were (hopefully).
Remember those feelings? You welcomed a romantic night in, a rented movie and a frozen pizza, that just meant you were gearing up for an all night romp-a-thon.

Some of you may have to think pretty damn hard to remember those feelings. Well, congratulations because that means you've been in a long term committed realtionship. The bad news is, most of those feelings dimenished within the first year of courtship according to Pavia University researchers.

"The powerful emotions that bowl over new lovers are triggered by a molecule known as nerve growth factor (NGF) "

"The Italian scientists found far higher levels of NGF in the blood of 58 people who had recently fallen madly in love than in that of a group of singles and people in long term relationships"

Now here comes the no brainer scientific evidence that an MATC attendee such as yours tuely could even figure out...

"But after a year with the same lover, the quantity of the "love molecule" in their blood had fallen to the same level as that of the other groups"

FACINATING?...not really.

Researchers said it was not clear how falling in love triggers higher levels of NGF, but the molecule clearly has an important role in the "social chemistry" between people at the start of a relationship.
Well let's try to decipher this phenomenon, wrapped in an enigma, shall we?

The first year...everything is new and exciting.

You haven't found out yet that he's a cheap bastard that only drops cash on the "pussy of the month" club, and he has no clue about that cruise you went on where you rode 20 Puerto Rican pool boys like SeaBiscuit.
Everything is beautiful, you're even willing to look past some those "icky" habits like smoking or doing body shots off of a voodoo woman named Phylis. You LOVE this person, and that makes everything right as rain.
But it's a L-O-N-G trip around the sun and little by little, you discover this person is just as flawed as you are, and soon those "icky" habits become the deal breakers in a relationship.

So what level are the NGF's in a person who's been married for a couple of years...and has a couple of kids???!!! I'm afraid to know and it's too late to worry. I'll just have to pull out the leather and hand cuffs more often.

So my advice to all of you in that first year of new love...don't waste the nerve growth factor molecules. They're very important neurorecepters.
Keep some things to yourself for a while, savor the excitement and discovery.
Reveal all of those wonderful secrets like treasured gifts, a little at a time.

Hold out on the Puerto Rican pool boys until after you're married.

For now, I've got some leather to squeeze into for my man. I'll yelp if I need assistance


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