I'm celebrating the wonderment in the exhistance of pie!!! Blueberry and cherry and French Sil---
What? Not that kind of pie you say. 3.14 and on and on and on, kind of PI?
Well, thats pretty kinky too. And math nerds made it easy for us to remember as we celebrate it on March 14th (3.14)
You can even send the love in your life a PI day e greeting...I did!
I'm down with PI day, even though I personally haven't done any math that involved PI since I skipped geometry and needed to figure out bus fare from Tech to Kelly's house in West Allis.
It's also Albert Einstein's Birthday today too, so don't forget to brush up on your thories of relativity.
If you happen to be a math geek that just can't get enough PI, like me, but without pastry, you can get your fill of BOTH at Earnie's 3-D Pancakes a blog devoted to exploring the mystery of numbers.
Yeah, I'm never goin' there either.
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