Friday, April 07, 2006

Canadian Obsession?

One of my new favorite places to visit, is a blog entitled
Where am I going and why am I in ths Handbasket? You've probably seen it on my sidebar as I was compelled to add it the first day I ran into "Mama Tulip".

I think I'm developing some sort of OCD for Canadians, as it turns out that my favorite new blog also originates from our neighbor to the North. First, of course was Mitchieville, and we all know that story by now. Though Mama Tulip's blog does not differ that greatly from the "toungue-in-cheek" stylings that I love about the Mayors place, their topics of interest couldn't be farther apart.

The latest post on ,"Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?" deals with Mama Tulip's darling daughter, getting into special lotion. It's MORE than worth taking a glimpse! I've been impressed with her site each time I visit, which is anytime I enter the blogosphere. I relate to her because I too, suffer the pains and celebrate the joys of motherhood right along with her. But even if you're NOT a mama, you'll enjoy her insight and humor.

If you are contimplating having children, both of these comically genieus blogs will steer you to your appropriate path in life. To be fair, The Mayor of Mitchieville also has children he talks about from time to time (when he's not posting pictures of other peoples trunkage or rackage) and he makes sure to address which ones are legitimate so there's no confusion to his cherished readers.


At 11:06 PM, Blogger mamatulip said...

Thank you. :)

At 11:25 PM, Blogger Addy said...

You're welcome! Thanks for visiting. You can bet I'll be back at your place very soon!


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