Friday, May 05, 2006

Men...You Can't live with em', You can't live, you just can't

So my husband and I got into a bit of a tiff early this evening over the fact that neither I, nor our children were home when he returned home after a long days work.

My friend Kelly came over, and we decided to do a little shopping with my kids
(which is neither fun nor easy most times, so God Bless her soul)
We didn't leave the house until after 4:00, and I knew that my kids wouldn't last long in any store, so I didn't anticipate being gone for hours and hours.
Well, when Kevin got home, I'm sure the first thing he noticed was that the minivan was gone, and in its place was Kellys car, whose exhaust is fucking obnoxious even when the key is out of the ignition.

A typical man would rejoice with a resounding squeak and precede over to the couch where he would engage in viewing his favorite porn in the privacy of his own kingdom. Of course he would watch it in fast forward, not wanting to be caught, still in slight fear of the inevitable return of his family.

Oh no, not my husband. He is excessively preoccupied with possessing the knowledge of our whereabouts at all times.
His reasoning: "When you don't come home, at least I'll know where to tell the cops you were last."
Well that's positively reassuring honey. Thank you for that abundance of loving concern.
Now I know the swarms of arrogant, unattractive men would say, "Your husband seems controlling darlin'" and that couldn't be farther from the truth.

I guess I was just a little insensitive to the fact of how important it is to Kevin for me to keep him abreast of our family activities, especially when he's not involved in them.
To my credit, I did try calling him 3 times to let him know I was at WalMart with Kelly and the kids, and that I would be home soon. For whatever reason, my calls weren't going through within the evil confines that is WalMart. I figured, it's a 5 minute drive from WalMart to my house, why call him now once we're in the car?
Thats the rationality of a woman. Men share that same rationality, say, when they're at a bar with their buddies, and they have to choose between calling home and having their wives or significant others KNOW that they're completely smashed OR they can have one more beer and begin the journey home...then telling the woman that they drove "extra" careful and took side streets so they wouldn't get pulled over, and thats what took so long.

After Kelly left and made her journey home to Aaron,
(which I can only guess interrupts
Aaron's train of blogging) Kevin laid into me about not letting him know where we were, and not calling, or leaving a note on the fridge.....yada yada yada...holy shit dude....its good to see you too....happy cinco de mayo shitty kitty.
I really had no argument except that I did try calling him a few times.

Well, that just set the mood for the rest of our evening. I wouldn't normally even write about this...but it pisses me off SO much when it happens. I have a way of looking at things like this though: Is it going to be something that will still make your blood boil 3 years from now? Or will it be forgotten long before then? Will you lose sleep at night worrying about how to rectify the situation? Or will watching a movie and having make up sex clear the air? Though there was no movie or make up sex involved; to me, I felt it was one of those things that too, shall pass. I need to ensure that I am more vigilant with giving Papa Bear the 411 on the rest of his pack, because this is not the first time he's flipped out about it. But damn fellas'........ ease up.

Kevin was preparing to once again, head out for his once a month guard drill, and I was getting the distinct feeling that he was leaving tonight versus early Saturday morning, as he normally does. I knew this because he was loading up my beetle bug with his duffel bag and uniform and he was still in his street clothes instead of his comfy old house clothes...being the super sleuth I am, I put 2 and 2 together. But I still had to do the typical woman thing,
I asked him: "So are you leaving tonight then?"
He replied: "Yes, I've got alot to get done before I start tomorrow morning"
I just looked at him and nodded. I'm sure part of it was that he was still slightly pissed at me.

Thats ok. I'd rather miss the idea of him, rather than have him here, and be shitty.
Everything will be better on Sunday.

Men. What can I say.

I love you baby.


At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a bad link for Aaron, Addy.

It should be

And say "hi" to Kelly for me. ;)

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Addy said...

Thanks Elliot, I'll be sure to fix that. And I'll relay that hello to the Mrs. when I see her in a few hours.

At 11:59 PM, Blogger Addy said...

Ok...all fixed! Thanx again!


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