Friday, October 07, 2005

South Park Was Right - Again

As I was signing off of my blog, I accidentally hit the "next blog" sign and it randomly took me to a blog intitled "Mitchieville"
An apparently angry Canadian that had a mouthload to say in a rather short blog entry. Basically, he feels the need for Canada to attack the US to rid the world of President Bush's actions, that are endangering not only our natural resources, but our people too.

Sometime's it's hard for me to guage a persons level of seriousness when it comes to writing their thoughts and feelings in anything less than a professional manner.

Nevertheless, his words disturbed me, as I'm sure he hoped they would.
I replied to his blog and sent the link to my husband and to Aaron.
Kevin told me to report the idiot, but I'm not sure it's that serious. It was just strange, the feeling that came over me when I print, that someone wanted to take measures to attack our country, no matter how serious he was.

In the movie SOUTH PARK, BIGGER, LONGER, and UNCUT, the South Park boys are trying to save Canadian born actors Terrance and Phillp from the US as the two countries waged war. One of the title songs that I just LOVED was called "Blame Canada" and when I figure out how to link audio clips on here I'll put it up for everyone. My point is that it just seemed dumb at the time to think of Canada and the US at war.
But people are people and we did have North vs South at one point in our own history, so why not Really North vs South.

C'mon. I mean, they have Celine Dion and Dana Carvey, what more can you ask for?!!

But this just gets back to my previous entry of Green Dependant Demublicans. Other countries hate us for the freedoms we have and for the infamous leaders in government that represent us.
I'm positive there are people in Iraq that we'd enjoy kicking back with, having a beer during a Packer game, but we've been conditioned to see them as terrorists. Do our leaders really care that other countries despise us because of our arrogant, wasteful ways?
I love this country, and I can't imagine living anywhere else...

But maybe thats part of the problem.

As for my new Canadian "friend", he openly admitted to being a die hard Packers fan.
Go figure.
I think he may need a few more blog visitors from his neighbors to the south just to straighten out his thought process.
In the meantime, I'm gonna get my copy of South Park, put it on my computer and send it to my Maple Leaf blogger.

If I am not back in ten minutes, make the sound of a dying giraffe to alarm the others of danger


At 3:54 PM, Blogger The Mayor said...

Your husband called me an idiot? Okay, that hurts. Invading your country is one thing, but calling a guy a name really cuts deeply.

I'm sure you do realize that my site contains a heap of satire, and once you read a few more posts you'll realize that no one supports the U.S. more than I do.

It doesn't mean we're not going to invade you, after all, love hurts.

Thanks for coming to my site, I hope to see you back.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Addy said...

Well, my husband is in the military, and what you're proposing would make him have to WORK, and anyone that wants to work more is an idiot.

I'm also a fan of satire, Mitchie, but when someone says thay want to attack your country...but still bet on the NFL, there's a conflict of interest there, you must see it!
Thanks for visiting and I hope to read more peaceful entries on your blog form now on, at least about (or should I say "A-BOOT") Wisconsin!

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Actually, Dana Carvey is from San Francisco, which is close enough to Canada. But it's Mike Myers who's Canadian. In fact, he grew up not far from Mitchieville.

Of course, I plan on building a giant wall around Scarbourough if I get any measure of political power.

You're welcome.

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We promise not to invade you, just keep the cheese flowing northwards.

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Addy said...

Thanks for correcting my error. See, I get Canadians and Americans confused all the time, we're like family man,
Can't we all just get along

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot to add a "P.S"

P.S: The Packers will beat the bloody tar out of New Orleans this weekend.

Mind you if they don't.....We'll bloody well invade and remove most of the offensive and defensive line of the team and replace them with chaps who want to play for Green Bay.

Go Packs!

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Addy said...

I think I need to start using the words "Bloody" and "Chap" in my everyday lingo.

It's that refined homosexual undertone with just a hint of intellect just commands respect from the uttered word.

I Bloody love it Chaps!
There you have it!

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Splendid. And right you are Addy.

The terms can also be overtly hetrosexual.
As in.....

I'm going to *^&% you so bloody hard that my *&* gets chap!

Myriad possibilities.

At 5:26 PM, Blogger Addy said...

Yeah, but that only works on people who go both ways

At 6:37 PM, Blogger River Rat said...

Not all Canadians feel the way Fenris does, he's just been brainwashed by Martha Stewart.

At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor at Mitchieville and Fenris especially all love America and would never think to harm the States in any way.

The site has some great writing and great humor. Espeicially Fenris. :)

Of course, if them Canucks DO invade us, we'd have better beer and hockey on TV every night. So it wouldn't be such a bad idea, see?

At 8:16 PM, Blogger The Mayor said...

What do you mean "especially Fenris?"

You know, Mark, after Wisconsin we're coming for Cali. So clean the place up for us before we arrive, will ya?

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Addy said...

If you take out Wi and CA
that will be the end of dairy as we know it!

Now Canada will have all of the lactose intolorant on their side too!

Whatever are we to do!

At 12:30 AM, Blogger The Mayor said...

I burst into tears when the Mayor called me with his concerns.

He has ordered me to show you love. I am sending my most loving minion, Letchard Wolfdick, to express this warmest emotion to you.

Let me take this opportunity to apologize to you on behalf of myself, the Mitchieville Public Works Satrapate, and the Country of Canada. I am sorry. My intentions were never to offend you, or any entity, human, corporate, or inanimate, that you hold close to your heart.

Since this unfortunate incident, caused by a disgruntled ex-employee who is no longer in the employ of the Mitchieville Public Works Satrapate, I have been slandered in the press and where it hurts more, in my home. My face is wet with tears.

Let me say again: I am sorry.

I am Fenris Badwulf

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Addy said...

Great. Then we're all intercontinental pals again, right.

Maybe you and your Mitchieville clan should join us for a tailgating party at Lambeau Field.

We'll be the ones in Green and Gold, you won't miss us.

Then we can take the short bus over to the Petit Center and have a skate party with chilled cider.

It'll be the best trip you'll ever take, well maybe next to Cuba.

At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's that refined homosexual undertone with just a hint of intellect just commands respect from the uttered word."

I hope that this was not another "nod"!

-He whom you said youd know who it was, anyway

At 3:10 PM, Blogger Addy said...

No, I'm not speaking about you Doctor, rather, the uncooth Canadian traffic I have been recieving over the last 24 hours.

Bloody Bastards! See how cool that sounds!

At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I know. I couldnt resist commenting this one time, only because although I know it didnt, it could easily have referred to me.

And you neednt try to convince me of the pleasures of Britishisms -- I am a longtime Anglophile.

Moreover, there are lots of good British profanities that are useful because 1) all the American ones have, through overuse, lost their potency -- even stringing them together no longer satisfies -- and 2)you can get away with using them in situations where you might not otherwise, in that they are generally not recognized as being particularly vulgar in the US(e.g. "bollocks," or "bugger)

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Addy said...

I remember your "interest" in thar culture and language...

but in this instant, I need my fellow Americans to rally together against those that would normally use Britishisms.

The evil Canadians are trying to get the best of me... we can't praise them for their homorriffic slang!

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Aaron said...

Canada is no threat!

If our neighbors to the north need to be taught a lesson, all we need to do is tell our Friendly Illinois Bretheren about Ontario.

They'll purchase up the entire province faster than you can say "Mike Ditka!" They've already done it to Wisconsin.

Never underestimate the power of flat land.

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Addy said...

Aaron, for the first time in my life, I'm gald you're here!

Did you see what those canuks wrote about me on their axis of evil blog site!

It was all in good fun....
I hope.

At 7:47 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

I started an international incident before I even began blogging.

This one is all yours, Addy!

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Addy said...

Thanks F*%#er!

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Addy said...

General, Genaral,

There was never a doubt in my mind that Fenris was just blowing off steam about the US due to his discontent for our President.

Hell, I share the same feelings as he does.

It just surprised me that he was so OPEN to writing (and even collecting money!! lol)
about his plans to invade the US.

You'd think some people would be a little more careful about that since Sept. 11th occured.

But then why should they care.
I was just taken back at first by his guts and sheer stupidity to write what he did.

Obviously, I'm just one little uh, delicate flower, as Mitchieville put it, but there are some who woldn't take their tounge-in-cheek-stylings so lightly.

Believe me, I understand their "madness", I married an engineer, though non of his "madness" is ever used to directly insult my intelligence, like many of the canucks attempted to do, and did poorly by the way.

I will check out your site, thanks for the info.

In the mean time, we've got Bubba and Dan Boy watching our boarders in da' great white nort up der 'ey

At 10:16 AM, Blogger The Mayor said...

Oh, I see how it is now. All I have to do is turn my back for one minute and I see General General making plans for my overthrow.

Right, I get it now. Keep my friends close and my enemies closer. Gotcha.

Addy, we never intended to insult your intelligence, we're just having some funnins. I'm sorry if you felt insulted, that wasn't our purpose.

Pack 52 N.O. 3

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Addy said...

No apologies needed.

I enjoyed the "battle"

In fact your posts remind me very much of a paper that, actually, began here in Madison, WI

It's called "The Onion"
of course it got too big and too cool to stay in Madison, so they moved on to greater publishers in the sky, but we love "The Onion" non the less.
Some of the articles are very "onionated" I'd llike to say. But they hit on deeper truths.

Check it out

At 10:57 PM, Blogger The Mayor said...

I wanted to have the last comment on the thread.

Hehe, it's six months later.

You know, Addy, that day when we met was the funniest blogging day ever.

At 11:29 PM, Blogger Addy said...

I totally agree my friend!


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