Friday, December 16, 2005

This Idiot's Got A Lot Of Balls

Every now and then, my friends over at Mitchieville report on topics near and dear to my heart. Most time's very sick and twisted, though this story I'd heard about before and thought I should share it again on my blog.

In this case, it's okay that this story orginally came from the Republican-American website, evil people are evil people and it doesn't matter who exposes them- as long as the word gets out.

WATERBURY -- A Bridgewater man admitted having sex with a young girl as his case was prepared to go to trial.
Robert Stillman, 56, of 410 Northrup St. in Bridgewater, pleaded guilty Tuesday to two counts of risk of injury involving sexual assault before Judge Frank Iannotti in Waterbury Superior Court.

Now in Addy's world, without hearing anything else, this is grounds enough to suit up this asshole and send him to Iraq wearing a sandwich board that reads, "I rape *sand niger girls" and see how long he lasts on his own.
*Disclaimer- I never have and would never use that term for my own purposes. EVER.

Stillman pleaded guilty under the Alford Doctrine, which means he acknowledged the state had enough evidence to win a conviction at trial.

And what, I ponder, was the undesputable evidence that made this sick dirtbag come clean???

The key piece of evidence against Stillman was the victim's ability to describe his third testicle, a congenital abnormality which he initially denied having.

A medical evaluation later confirmed it and prompted Stillman to accept the plea agreement.

A MEDICAL EVALUATION? How in depth did that eval have to be?

"Mr. Stillman, would you please drop your pants."

(pants hit the floor)

*snicker* *snicker*

"OK , he's our guy. Book em' Danno."

Prosecutor Dawn Gallo said the evidence was clear that Stillman had sex with the girl, who was 8 and 9 when the assaults occurred. The girl's story, which she told first to her brother and then a counselor, matched the evidence in the case. DNA evidence gathered from Stillman's home further backed up her story.

Okay, so, great. Evil person caught. What happened to our victim? The little girl who will have to live the rest of her life with the image of this sick, demented bastard burned into her brain...

The child has been in state custody for more than three years, Gallo said. Now 13, she has blamed herself for Stillman's prison term and the breakup of Stillman's family, Gallo said.

See, when shit like this happens to people, they're scared for life, not only physically but more so emotionally. And where are her parents throughout all of this I wonder?

Stillman faced a life sentance if a jury of six had found him guilty of having sex with the girl on multiple occasions.

So what kind of sentance did our Valiant rapist recieve?

In exchange for his admissions, Stillman accepted a plea agreement and must serve three and a half years in prison and 15 years of probation.
The agreement also requires Stillman to register as a sex offender.

This is what really pisses me off!!!! How does that even come CLOSE to life in prison? And registering as a sex offender is almost a joke, at least in this country. They'll probably put him up in a condo about three blocks away from a middle school or a community pool.

The plea agreement was also accepted by attorney Judith Dixon, who represented that girl.

Well, I'm glad to see that justice was served in a fair and noble way. That the innocence of our children is being protected from sexual predators who seek to destroy their livelyhood.
If you ask me, I think they should chop off that third mutant nut he has and make him eat it.
God knows it won't help that little girl, but as a former victim myself and now as a mother,
I'd sure appreciate it.


At 5:29 PM, Blogger The Mayor said...

Wow. Good post.


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