Vegas or Bust
So my unique group of friends has decided that we're going to take a trip to Vegas to celebrate, well, many things- but mostly the fact that Jessica is now done with chemo, radiation and hopefully all the cancer shit for good.
We're also using it as a celebration for everyone's b days, since most of them occur in clusters. We've done group trips a few times before and it has ALWAYS been a blast.
How could it not with this group?...........

Our lovable band of buddies was having a difficult time coming to a concensus on which method would be best to GET us to Vegas. Kelly and Aaron crapped out on us because they're lame. Go over to Aarons place and make fun of him for me will ya'.
No, they're not lame. They just decided they can't participate in the festivities because now they have a house, a mortgage, medical bills, and vacation time to contend with. And not one of these reasons stands out to me as a unique situation that no one else has to deal with....AND they don't have kids! Thank lucifer, cause I finally got that image of the " Human Bat Boy" out of my head.
So minus Kelly and Aaron, we're down to lucky 7. To save money and be able to visit several spots of interest along the way, we thought we'd take our minivan and drive to vegas. Before you attempt to do the math, let me hit you with some knowledge. Wisconsin to Nevada is roughly 3000 mi round trip. Or a Wisconsinites configuration of distance is to measure it in time. So, if each of us took turns driving would be about a days journey, with one or two stops at a local Waffle House to eat and a few potty breaks for the girls in the car. Boys can piss in a whisky bottle.
Then Jeff and Jess got a rockstar special on plane tickets from a family member, which is cool, but Kevin and I do not have the budget to fly to Vegas, and stay for an entire week with everything we'd have to spend additional $$$$ on.
And nothing on God's little green earth can prepare me for this again....

So we were, once again, split on what to do. Kevin found this awesome condo we could rent, with plenty of room for everyone. So we wouldn't have to eat out every blessed day and night in Vegas and we would have a common area for all of us to get bloody wasted and pass out in. It was either that, or pay more to saty in individual rooms on the strip. The condo just seemed more logical, but the X-factor was the distance to the strip, which was about 10 minutes. Dan made me giggle with his knowledge of "dangerous people" that linger on the buses in Vegas. Yeah Dan, in the buses, in the buffet lines, in your back pocket, under your bed.....thats Vegas Baby!
So we had a cabinet meeting this weekend to iron everything out. Let me paint a picture for you...close your eyes. Oh wait, you won't be able to read and imagine. How do lonely guys do it?
Anyway, approximately 3 electrical engineers, a licensed Dental hygenist, an SBC phone sex opperater, and one brain stem with a couple of semesters at MATC (that would be me), all on our individual laptops, searching for the best deals in Vegas. I think the hits for "Topless Shows" reached it's all time high that night. Dan. Just kidding.
After all of this, what did we decide????
Well, except for Jeff and Jess, we're all driving. And Andrea is going to get one kick ass massage at a spa for having to deal with all of us for the entire trip.
So heres to the road and the journey it will bring. It can't be that bad, right?

As for the lodging, it appears that we'll be staying at a condo and simply driving or walking where we need to go. Granted, I understand we'll be there in July and the average temperature is 112 degrees---- in the shade. We'll work it out! So if anyone has any pointers or tips for our upcomming trip to sin city, please feel free to comment.
Two things: No topless shows and no prostitutes. OK, at least no ugly ones.
And not one of these reasons stands out to me as a unique situation that no one else has to deal with....
Who are you to judge my situation? Just go and forget about trying to guilt me into it.
I'm not judging, it's just my opinion. None of us can really "afford" this. Sometimes, you just have to take the chance and do it.
If you feel guilty, thats your problem mister. Start saving up's only a few years until my 30th. Consider this your "heads up".
I don't plan to live that long.
Then you better say fuck it and take your happy ass to Vegas with us!
"And nothing on God's little green earth can prepare me for this again...."
Is it the money or is it flying?
I'm really not afraid to fly at all. I just thought the pic was funny and added some much needed humor to my lengthly post.
Unfortunately, it's the $$$
But we may still end up flying, and it won't be the end of the world, Kevin and I may have to leave the party a little early is all
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