Thursday, December 22, 2005

SEX SWINGS for $10.00 --Only At TOBO's

Last night, all of my friends decided to get together. Many of them you've already met as Addy's Friends of the Day. John, Dan, Kelly,Jeff, Andrea (you'll meet her soon),
Jess (whom you'll meet TODAY) and Kevin and me, all met at Thunderbay restaurant in Waukesha for A DRINK as it had first been described and intended as such when planned.
As we were waiting for everyone to arrive, many drinks were had, which made our drunken anticipation to visit TOBO's only increase that much more.

I bet you're wondering, "WTF is TOBO's???" My friends, TOBO's is pure magic. TOBO's is anything and everything your little heart could dream of spending the American dollar on.
In short, TOBO's is awesome.
John's father, Tom, owns a shop in Hartford where he has just about anything you could think of...and he sells it dirt f*ckin' cheap. It's absolutely amazing. It's not all junk either if thats what your next thought was. Many of the items he has are overstock products from stores you buy from everyday. We bought all of our light fixtures from there when we remodeled our house. I'm talkin' crystal chandelier's for $60.00 when they're selling in the stores for $300. Only because the box was a little damaged, but none of the contents were.

The store's name is not called TOBO's. It's actually "FINDERS JEEPERS", but on a trip out there once, yours truly created the name TOBO's, meaning Tom's Overstock Bargain Outlet
and it stuck once Tom said he hated it. I think it's fitting.
You have to enjoy searching for your treasures though. If you've ever been to Goodwill, TJMaxx or BigLots and haven't pulled your hair out...YOU'LL LOVE TOBO's!
Since Tom recieves dozens of palletes everyday of- whatever is on a truck, things are jumbled everywhere in the the most fascinating labrynth of books, tools, furniture, clothing, nic nacs, toys, collectibles, electronics and sex swings.

Did you just say SEX SWING Addy?!?! Yes I did blogheads.
We all thought that Jeffy discovered the deal of the century when he found a collectible, working Light Saber for $20.00!!! The same Light Sabers dorks are paying $150.00 for----twenty bucks at TOBO's.
IT IS SO COOL!!!!! It lights up just like the light saber would engage, it makes the sounds of a light saber, and when you make contact with something, you hear that great static-ish assult sound! Yeah, all of the creation of Industrial Light and Magic...for one TOBO's.

Jeff had a good find no doubt, but I know you want to hear about this sex swing.
Since we were "Preferred customers", Johnnys dad took us up to the 3rd floor on this great, old elevator, that I wasn't even sure would hold us all. You know the ones that have no door and you can see the floors passing you by as you rise up to your designated floor.
Well as we were perusing around stacks of chandeliers, old telephone booths and antique furniture, Tom had finally started to realize that we were fun loving people that were just a little drunk--not crazy. So Tom directs us over to this huge shelving unit and says in a loud, carnival style voice, "And the winner tonight will recieve..."
and there it was--a sex swing.
Everyone began to laugh hystericlly and then the guys began to walk away uninterested. But a spark ignited in us girls and we began to investigate this wonderful find. We were astounded to see that the swing came with a stand. I won't name names, but one of our ladies so boldly asked Tom, this keeper of the mystical sex swing, "How much you want for the swing?". In which everyone looked at her stunned, except me. I was interested too! I can admit that.
"How much?" Tom contemplated,
"I'll give ya' ten bucks" my sexually empowered friend boasted,
"OK" TOBO responded.
So we all gathered our arm fulls of purchases and readily paid Tom with anxious delight. And yes, Tom only charged TEN DOLLARS for the swing!!!!
Unfortunately, we did not have enough room in the back of our minivan for the large package that the sex swing encompused, not after all of our purchases. So Johnny stepped up to the plate and strapped that baby to the roof of his truck!!!

Just visualize driving around downtown Hartford, which is mostly composed of retirement communities by the way, and seeing this truck with a huge box that reads in bold print,
UNIVERSAL SEX SWING WITH STAND complete with these illustrations on the box...

So what did we decide to do once we got this love making toy extrodinare strapped on the roof for everyone to see what one of our friends had proudly purchased? We stopped for a bite to eat at the "Mineshaft" restaurant and bar. We were all starving and I think most of us needed another drink(s) after what had just transpired. So Johnny pulls up directly in front of the Mineshaft's front windows, giving the entire bar a front row view of Johnnys "shaggin' wagon".

When we walked into the bar, we were greeted with a standing ovation from every Minshaft patron and employee. I told John, "If you didn't have a girlfriend when you woke up this morning, you'll have one when you go to bed tonight!" The funny thing was, that it wasn't even for him, but he's a great friend and wanted to help in ANY way he could. Yeah, I'm sure that's what it was.

People came up to us and were asking if it was ours and if it was for real. We actually didn't think it would still be on the roof when we left the restaurant!!!!

On the way home, passing cars were slowing down and I think I even heard a few horns blare as John passed them by with the "love swing" gracing the ski rack on his Mitsubishi. But we were prepared to use Jeffys Light Saber to fend off any pheremonal females once they got wind of the sex swings scent.

We joked that it will be a "community swing" and everyone would get their chance to experience it's magic. I don't know about that though...can you use Lysol Antibacterial Spray on pleather?

Well, I'll let you know how it is-- if the swing ever finds it's way into my living room. For now, I'll just have to suspend myself from my canopy bed, and wish my friends who DID take it home, happy times.

And if you get the chance to visit TOBO's, I highly suggest it.

Finders Jeepers is located at 710 N. Johnson Street, Hartford, WI 53027

Though the swing was probably a one time deal, you never know what other treasures await you at Finders Jeepers. If you do happen to find another swing, pick it up for me will ya"?


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