Thursday, January 05, 2006

Gems of Milwaukee

My friend Dani just sent this to me, so I posted it right away. This is something Aaron usually gets his hands on that is actually fun, so I was happy to have it here first. You don't HAVE to vote for the Pabst mansion, anything you love in Milwaukee will help this cause. We complain a lot, but we do have a nice city, if you give it a chance.

Voting for the Gems of Milwaukee

In conjunction with the City of Milwaukee’s 160th City Birthday Party, the Milwaukee Press Club has launched a Gems of Milwaukee survey for people to vote for their favorite things about Milwaukee . . . whether it’s the lakefront or a specific business/attraction. The Pabst Mansion is on the list and this is where you come in. We are asking all of our supporters to cast a vote for the Pabst Mansion and any of the other wonderful Milwaukee gems. We’ve always known that the Pabst Mansion is a hidden gem of Milwaukee but this is a chance to let everyone know that we are here. So take a moment to cast your vote at Voting will continue until January 11th – or there about! The top 10 “Gems of Milwaukee” will be announced at the City Birthday Party on January 25th at the Hilton Milwaukee City Center. For more information on the party or the program, visit the Milwaukee Press Club web site at


At 10:08 AM, Blogger Addy said...

Of course I voted for the Zoo, the Museums, Miller Brewing, The Villa Terrace (thats where we had our wedding pictures taken), the Domes, Pabst Mansion, Summerfest, Ethnic Festivals, Harley Davidson and Klements Sausage. Oh and the Allen Bradely Clock Tower, as a nod to my dad who devoted 30 years of his life to that company. I've been in the tower... it's very cool.

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I vote for myself? ;)

At 12:23 AM, Blogger Addy said...

That depends, are you related to Laverne or Shirly?


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