A week has passed since the Boys and Girls club held their annual Fashion Show to raise funds for thier facilities. The show was absolutely amazing! I was totally floored by the professionalism that went into this production. It was very "New York Chic" with martinis, elaborate table settings and white covered couches that were situated at strategic places ON the runway, for special guests of honor.
The show is now available for viewing on Time Warner Cable's Digital IN DEMAND Channels. You can find the fashion show on the "
Wisconsin On Demand Channel", Channel 1111Use your remote control to select the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee, and then select Transformations 2006 and play. You can even see my hubby Kevin, lurking at the end of one point of the runway. He looked
totally thrilled to be there.(Yeah, right) I don't know why he wouldn't be, most of us models weren't able to wear bras or panties....and you could tell!

Here is some of the backstage photos that you won't get to see on cable. Though the cameramen WERE back there, maybe they figured it would be inappropriate to air an interview backstage, while there were naked models running around.
I took this first photo while the hair and make up crews were setting up. It looks like a ton of space, but when all was said and done, the models barely had enough room to get in line for showtime.

This next photo shows one of the models getting her "Do" Done, while the stylist dons a chair to secure the style. Not only was the model tall, (about 5'11) her hair was ginormously high. Let me just say, she is a beautiful girl, but she looked like the bride of Frankenstein with that bush on her noggin.

And this last photo shows the much coveted fashion designs that everyone came to see that night. It also appears to be a clever pic of coordinatingly dressed women, bending over in my shot.
Strange how that works???Ignore all the ass for a moment, and rather focus on the couture. If I pillaged that rack alone, I would have enough cash to begin building my dream home...thats not including the shoes, those would pay for my land!
I was truly honored to be able to take part in such a prestegious runway show. I'm sure the Boys and Girls Clubs rasied plenty of money for their kids. Thats really what it's all about.
I'll have more pics from the actual runway show later.