Wednesday, January 03, 2007

This blog is still on??!!

I guess "hello" is a weak way to reintroduce myself to this circuit, but that's all I got right now.
It's been quite a while since I've blogged, but it has been for a good reason.
I've purposely stayed away from my blog because my husband Kevin has been stationed over in Afghanistan since September of '06. I knew that anything I would have to say would only be a direct result of my uncouth circumstances and the last thing I needed was a bunch of wannabe politicians calling me unpatriotic.

I'm resuming my position in the blogosphere because it's what I feel the need to do right now. No, Kevin is not home yet, but there has been enough talk of his whereabouts on other blogs (hell, he even did a podcast from his sandy shanty) so I'm thinking it's ok for me to release some tension and inspiration through the written word.

I am still in the process of changing over my format, so there may be a few kinks here and there.
I must say, it is good to be able to write again, even if I have nothing of value to say....who really does out here anyway?

So look out fellow bloggers....Addys back and you never know what you'll see over here!

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