Addys Friend of the Day: The Real Danno

Though I'm sure there is in fact a Modern Nude Mag somewhere in this twisted world, it does not exist on my blog.
Allow me to introduce you to the Real Dan. With clothes on.

Dan truely is the most honestly genuine guy you'll ever meet. He's also the oldest in our group of friends but you'd never know it as he acts more like a big kid most times.
He's been married to his beautiful wife, Andrea for over ten years.
(who also happens to be one of my favorite women in this world)
As I look at Dan and Andrea's marriage, it is an inspiration to me and my marriage to Kevin.
I only hope we're that happy after ten years. I'm sure we will be, Kevin will just build another addition on our house for me, and he'll conviently forget to add doors or windows! lol
Anywho...back to Danno. Again, like my previous Friends of the Day, John and Aaron, Dan was also a classmate of Kevin's while in college, so that means Dan is also an ?????????......
Engineer!!! GOOD GUESS. I knew people paid attention.
Now, Dan is a brilliant mind, and Dan likes to use his brilliant mind to analyze, reanalyze, and overanalyze many things, which most times makes for very entertaining conversation.
I've never seen Dan get angry, so when a controversial topic comes up, Dan will argue his case in the most polite and proficient way you've NEVER seen.
He'd be a key asset for a North Korean debate team!
I think Bush should add Dan to his cabinet. We'd have world peace in a matter of days due to his friendly demeanor, and in part that they'd just get sick of listenting to his rationalizations of why every country should have an Allis Chalmers Tractor.
This has been an on going joke/friendly competition between Dan and my husband ever since we bought a John Deere tractor for our lawn.
Dan is a HUGE Allis Chalmers enthusiast. For those of you unaware with the brand name, it began here in Milwaukee in the mid 1800's. They were responsible for many innovations in farming equipment. For more info on AC history go here
So Dan is a big tractor nerd who has, over the years accumulated MANY tractors that now live in his garage. I can't remember how many exactly, but I'm sure his wife would be more than happy to blog on and share the inventory list with us out of sheer hope that one of you are looking to BUY tractors!
In addition to tractors, Dan is a bit of an HOROLOGIST as well. Horology is the science of time, timekeepers (clocks, watches) and timekeeping ...and time travel. ok I made up that last one.
Dan has quite an impressive collection of clocks strewn throughout his home. I think I'd get too nervous listening to all those clocks going all day. Though I think Andrea made him turn off the Cukoo clocks.
He's also a gardner, Dan grows and cans, some of the BEST pickels and salsa I've ever tasted!
And in his spare time when he's not engineering...something, or being a gear headed-horologist while canning pickels, Dan is a great friend. AAWWE -I know.
We all participated in the Susan Komen Race for the Cure, for Breast cancer to support our dear friend Jessica, and Dan was more than happy to join once we told him that breasts all over the world would thank him!
(I've been trying to post an amazing photo to no avail, i'll get them up here later for everyone to truley appreciate the effort Dan gave in the race)
(Imagine more cheesy photos here that will soon be posted)
So now I'd like to take the opportunity to correct a few misconceptions about Dan:
1. Country boys like Dan are timid and shy...False. After a few beers and some karaoke there's a dangerous side to be reckoned with.
2. Never underestimate a man in flannel or plaid, they're personalities go deep man.
3. Can Dan still see after he takes his glasses off?
No. Much like Dr. Bunsin Honeydew, the eyes come off with the glasses.
4. Engineers like Dan don't show their lighter side. You never hear them laugh.
False. Dan DOES laugh, at great extent, whether you want him to or not.
And chances are, if you're within a 28 mile radius of the place we're partying at you'll hear Dan laugh too!
5. You'll never see Dan in anything but jeans. This one's true folks.
6. An engineer who like tractors, clocks and gardening...definately not a hottie.
False. Dan is a good looking guy, no doubt about it, but you know, I always thought if the FAB FIVE could get their hands on Danno, Andrea would be dealing with a five alarm fire!!!!
Seriously, a little metrosexual troubleshooting and Dan would be ubersexual GQ. I used that word ubersexual again damnit
Picture Dan at the mercy of five homosexual men!
So there's Dan in blogshell. I even published his post in Allis Chalmers orange for ya' Danno!
I hope you enjoyed getting to know Dan as much as I have.
Danno is a regular visitor to my blog so feel free to leave any responses for him in confidence that he will read them.
As for my next victim, I mean friend, I'm going to shift my focus onto my ladies and some "unexpected" friends. So visit back soon!